sabato 9 luglio 2011

Islamic Relief arriva a Zintan

Tra le tante associazioni umanitarie "non ufficiali" ci sono alcune che lavorano in maniera verammente puntuale. L'Islamic Relief  (Londra) è arrivata in Tunisia alla fine di febbario. Non condivido tutte le loro idee ma sono veloci, puntuali, attenti, sono arrivati dove c'era e c'è bisogno. 

Islamic Relief is pleased to announce that it has now opened an office in the Western mountain city of Zintan.

Islamic Relief has been operating inside Libya since February, but now Islamic Relief has a fixed presence inside the conflict zone.

The office will enable Islamic Relief to better coordinate its operations inside Libya. Islamic Relief chose Zintan because it is the second largest city in the Western Mountains and is located in the centre of the Nafusa region.

Islamic Relief has also delivered medical equipment to Jadu in the Western Mountains region.

In Jadu the hospital administrator, Dr Isam said “prior to Islamic Relief’s contribution, there were few patients arriving in the clinic, and often times they had to be reoriented to other medical facilities as there was no adequate means of responding to their needs. Now, however, the hospital is able to accept patients and ensure full treatment.”

As the crisis in Libya deepens, Islamic Relief is responding to the changing demands on the ground, whether at the border area with Tunsia or in the East of Libya, in and around Benghazi.

Recently, Islamic Relief has sent over 10,000 food packs and hygiene kits to the cities of Nalout, Zintan, Jadou and Kabaou in Western Libya. This is in addition to over $400,000 worth of medical aid and critical medical equipment sent to Zintan and Jadou Hospitals. This equipment is vital in helping to reduce the casualties and treat the injured civilians caught in the conflict and turmoil in Libya.

Going forward, Islamic Relief is planning to contribute towards aiding Libyan casualties receiving treatment for injuries in Tunisian hospitals and providing clean water to cities in the Nafousa Mountains. Islamic Relief is also planning to provide fuel for the generators in the various hospitals in the Western Mountain regions.

Baby milk is also in short supply inside Western Libya. Islamic Relief is responding by providing 15,000 baby milk containers for cities in the region.

Activities at a Glance in Libya:
  • Distribution of 20 tons of medical supplies in Benghazi and surrounding areas.
  • Distribution of food packs, containing dried dates, cheese, meat, bread and high-nutrition biscuits in Jdabia.
  • 5,000 Hygiene kit items distributed in Benghazi,  Mistrata, Jdabia and Al Baydda.
  • Shipment of Medical aid and food supplies (value over $130,000) to Mistrata from Alexandria.
  • Shipment of hygiene kit items from Benghazi to Mistrata.
  • Setting up operational office in Benghazi.
  • Delivering 8,000 food packs for Western Mountain cities (Nalout, Zintan, Jadou, Kabaou)
  • Sending medical equipment and medical aid to hospitals in the Western mountain region of Libya.  Hospitals in Jaddu, Zintan and Nalut have received equipment totalling over $400,000

Islamic Relief has recently provided and delivered £100,000 worth of life saving medicines to Zintan, Jadu and Nalut hospitals which are all situated in the Nafusa Western Mountain areas of Libya. Four X-Ray and Anaesthetic machines were also provided in Zintan.

Islamic Relief is also supporting those refugees who fled the vicinity. Most have taken refuge in the Tunisian towns of Dehiba and Tatouine in addition to the Ramada and Dehiba refugee camps.

Food packs and hygiene kits are being distributed on a daily basis to those in need, supporting approximately 4,000 families a week. Essential medicines are also being provided to clinics to replenish stocks.

Additionally, Islamic Relief is running a school for children in the Ramada Refugee Camp. Not only does this enable them to continue receiving an education, daily enjoyable activities are also included as to try and bring back some normality into their lives.

Libya - Dheba Border

Islamic Relief's recent activities have included:
  • Shipment of $130,000 worth of medical aid and food supplies to Misrata, in conjunction with World Food Programme (WFP).
  • Distribution of food items at the southern Tunisian border crossing of Dehiba, where many Libyan families have been fleeing the city of Nalut.
  • Distribution of medical items (four trucks of medical supplies) and deployment of staff in Benghazi
  • Management of a camp at the northern Tunisian border crossing of Ras Ajdir, where many non-Libyan migrant workers have been fleeing from the unrest.
  • Repatriation of stranded third country nationals to their country of origin with flights.

  • In eastern Libya
    • Distribution of medical items (4 trucks of medical supplies)and deployment of staff in Benghazi, with the Libya Red Crescent
    • Distribution of food staples including, dried dates, cheese, meat, bread and high-nutrition biscuites.
  • On the border with Tunisia
    • Management of Shosha camp
    • Distribution of 2,000 food packs daily
    • Coordination of repatriation of Bengali migrant workers
    • Establishment of medical tent, treating approximately 500 patients daily
    • Building latrines, showers and hand washing taps

09 March 2011

  • On the eastern border, 10,000 food packs have been distributed
  • Following the delivery of medical supplies to Benghazi, the city will act as a regional hub for the distribution of medical supplies.
  • On the western border, food, water and other essential items are being distributed on a daily basis
  • Over £1 million has been raised for the Libya Appeal
07 March 2011

Over the past week the following has been completed:
  • 45,000 food pack and water bottles distibuted
  • 10,000 hygiene kits distributed
  • 1,000 blankets distributed
  • 500 matresses disributed
  • Shelter provided for 400 people
  • 21 portable latrines installed
£35 can provide 10 people with food for a day
£100 can provide a 1,000 litre water tank
£230 can  provide a mattress and blanket for 20 people
£850 can  provide a tent to shelter upto 10 people from the cold

04 March 2011
In addition to the regular food and sanitation kit distribtions, the following activites have taken place:
  • To help with sanitation in the area, mobile toilets have been procured and set up in the area.
  • Water distribution points have been setup, which are refilled regularly
  • Distributions of blankets and matresses have taken place.
03 March 2011
  • Team of 50 staff and volunteers working at the border area
  • Over the past two days, 44,550 food parcels and water have been distributed as well as 5,000 hygiene kits.
  • Transitional shelter for upto 350 people has been setup
  • Cleaning teams established

02 March 2011

  • Daily distributions of food packs and hygiene kits have continued throughout the day
  • Large maquees have been purchased to provide shelter for refugees
£50 can provide 10 people with a hygiene kit
£120 can provide 100 people with food for a day
£200 can provide shelter for 4 people
(costs may vary, depending upon availability)

01 March 2011

On the tunisian border, personal daily food packs were distributed to over 2,000 people consisting of:

Additionally personal hygiene kits were distributed to 800 people

Islamic Relief is coordinating with UNHCR and other charities in the region to ensure that there is no duplication of work.

28 February 2011
A quick impact distribution of medical items and food has been conducted in Benghazi, working closely with the Libya Red Crescent. Assessments indicate that the needs are not acute in the eastern region.

It is expected that the needs on the Tunisian border area will be acute and extensive as the emergency is evolving in the west of Libya. Therefore Islamic Relief's intervention will focus on the Tunisian border. 

26 February 2011
The aid convoy on the way to Benghazi consists of the following emergency supplies:
  • 4 trucks of medical supplies
  • 2 trucks of food supplies, consisting of:
    - Flour
    - Sugar
    - Rice
    - Macaroni
    - 4,800 containers of baby milk
  • 25 doctors, specialists in different disciplines have now joined the convoy, going to assist at Galaa hospital in Benghazi
25 February 2011
  • A convoy of medical supplies and baby milk worth $45,000 is on route to the eastern city of Benghazi. Additionally 10 doctors from Egypt are joining the convoy and will assist in hospitals in liaison with the Libyan Medical Syndicate.
  • Preperations are being made on the Tunisian border in anticipation of a large influx of refugees to Tunisia.
Unrest is continuing in cities across the Middle East and North Africa following the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. This unrest has highlighted the level of poverty across the region, where millions survive on less than $2 a day.
Instability in the region has caused a disruption in the supplies of everyday items, which is driving people further into poverty
Islamic Relief has expressed concern over the loss of life and humanitarian impact of the escalating violence in Libya.
Islamic Relief in the region
Islamic Relief has a number of established offices across the region in Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan and have completed a variety of development projects, benefiting thousands of people.
An assessment team has been dispatched to Libya, where the required intervention will be determined. Initial preparations are being made to provide emergency shelter and food packs for people fleeing the violence and medical aid to the injured.
Additionally, Islamic Relief is closely monitoring the situation across the region and making the necessary preparations to respond to urgent humanitarian needs.
The situation is changing on a daily basis but with your generous help; Islamic Relief will be able to support the people of the region in meeting their basic needs.

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