lunedì 20 giugno 2011

Ancora vittime della NATO: Tripoli 20 giugno

Quando ho visto alle immagini dell'ospedale di Triploi con i feriti e le vittime avevo pensato alla propoaganda fatta da Gheddafi sull'onda degli eventi di ieri. Purtroppo la mia speranza è stata tragicamente smentita da un comunicato appena divulgato dalla NATO

(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 GIU - La moglie e due figli del presidente di una ong libica sono tra le vittime del raid della Nato a Sorman, a ovest di Tripoli. I jet hanno colpito la casa di Khaled el-Hamedi, figlio di un collaboratore di Gheddafi".
L'uomo e' presidente dell'International organization for peace care and relief, una ong libica impegnata in scopi umanitari e da anni partner operativo dell'Unhcr Tripoli.

ecco le immagini

dichiarazione del portavoce di Gheddafi

News from NATO HQ      

NATO Strikes Military Command and Control Node

20 Jun. 2011
Issued on: 20 Jun. 2011


NAPLES – NATO is aware of allegations that a NATO strike targeted a residential building in the vicinity of Sorman, west of Tripoli, in the early hours of Monday morning.

After careful checking, NATO can confirm that it did conduct a strike in that area at the time. This was a precision strike on a legitimate military target -- a command and control node which was directly involved in coordinating systematic attacks on the Libyan people. 
While  NATO cannot confirm reports of casualties, we would regret any loss of  civilian life and we go to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties. This is in stark contrast to the Qadhafi regime, which continues its policy of systematic and sustained violence against the people of Libya. 
The facility which was struck was identified as a command and control node through rigorous analysis based on persistent intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance carried out over a prolonged period of time. NATO does not target specific individuals.
“This strike will greatly degrade the Qadhafi regime forces’ ability to carry on their barbaric assault against the Libyan people,” said Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard, Commander of Operation Unified Protector.
NATO will continue its mission to protect the people of Libya, in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. 
ecco le immagini

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