mercoledì 24 agosto 2011

Tragedia umanitaria agli ospedali di Tripoli

Dopo i violenti scontri a Tripoli i morti vngono accatatati negli ospedali, mancano medici, medicinali, le strutture sono insufficienti per far fronte a questa emergenza:

26 agosto

The Abu Salim trauma hospital in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, has been cut off to most of the outside world due to fighting in the area.

Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons managed to reach the hospital this week, where he found bodies with gunshot wounds lying in and outside of the building.

He sent this report on the status of a hospital that is severely understaffed and cut off from medical supplies, with a warning that some of the images in the video may be disturbing.

24 agosto
Al Jazera dall'ospedale di Tripoli

21 agosto
En Libye, l’hôpital de Tripoli est débordé par les arrivées constantes de blessés, combattants ou enfants victimes de tirs perdus. Les médecins sur place manquent de tout, et le personnel médical de relève est bloqué par des barrages.

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